[Interview] UK Radio : 'Kpop Korner With Adam Riley' X 'ARTLOVER (아트러버)'

Kpop Korner : Can you please introduce yourself?

ARTLOVER : Hello, my name is ARTLOVER.  I debuted March 2nd last year. The reason for my stage name is I always call myself ARTLOVER and its represent my passion and also hoping for same as to everyone’s passion.

Kpop Korner : Do you write your own songs and what instruments do you play? Also, did you study any music-related subjects when you were younger? 

ARTLOVER : I mostly collaborate with producers for songwriting. What I learned in life is that team work is always important when you do creative projects to make the best outcome. 
My family has never been into music, but I learned classical piano when I was young.
Kpop Korner : Do you have a specific concept for your stage performances, or does this change regularly?

ARTLOVER : I started loving retro style a long time ago, and recently it become a trend. But I’m not really following a trend, I follow what I love. So, I will keep loving retro even if it’ s out of style. 

Kpop Korner : What do you think makes you different from other artists? 

ARTLOVER : I can bring a very personal concept for the audience. Try to deliver a special atmosphere and pictures for my fans.

Kpop Korner : What sort of activities have you done, and what do you also want to get involved with to keep awareness of your work as high as possible?

ARTLOVER : I was a formal makeup artist in the London fashion industry. So I want to keep staying involved with something in fashion and beauty. 

Kpop Korner : Do you have a favourite group?

ARTLOVER : I like 80’s folk rock singer Kim, Kwang Seok. 
Kpop Korner : What style of music do you prefer to create? 

ARTLOVER : I always keep my style contemporary, a mixture of different genres such as hiphop, Rnb soul, rock, jazz with a retro vibe. 
Can you tell about you lates songs, what’s the story behind the lyrics?

ARTLOVER : My latest song is all 4 songs on the EP, ‘Queen Of Retro’ it’s a story about love and loss with a hopeful twist. 

First track, “Hakuna Matata” has very funky sounds with a message saying that “everything will be alright  even in times of darkness”. I hope you will experience positive energy, feeling like a fairy tale in a tropical area.

Second track, “Want U Back” has retro sounds with a bittersweet vibe. It’s a story about love and loss. I hope you will feel passion of young love with a magical feeling.

Third track, “Rainlight” has a fantasy vibe in it. It’s story about a person who lives daily life lost in a dream, and shouting to the world SOS. I hope you will feel a bright and fresh feeling. 

Last track, “Get A Way” has an oriental feeling in it. It’s a story about when you separate from someone you love how you can stay with them forever, how love can transcend time and space. You will feel like floating in universe. I wrote this for my grandma and grandpa. 

Kpop Korner : What places would you love to visit?

ARTLOVER : I want to visit Brasil for my Brazilian fans. 

Kpop Korner : If somebody decide to do a videogame or a movie, what sort of movie style would you be?

ARTLOVER : The Movie from 1969 called ‘Cactus flower’.

Kpop Korner : Thanks for answering all of these questions! If you have any final message for your fans, please say it now!

ARTLOVER : I want say to everyone, stay healthy and don’t let your dream go away.

Thank you to everyone for listening to my interview! If you want to connect with me just hit me up on social media!

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/3oioGZ0iMj2lNlju2hjw5k?fbclid=IwAR1glV_M4tT3etc_I9Y15ECBaj63pUrUO9xFkB7Ho7qIQhR4EcFYrKwVmdU

iTunes https://music.apple.com/us/artist/artlover/1346187846

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/artlovermusic

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mynameisartlover

Twitter https://twitter.com/artlovermusic
