[Interview] ‘Kpoptoight’ X ‘ARTLOVER (아트러버)’

Kpoptonight : Hello, the interview is started! how are you? 

ARTLOVER : Sto bene grazie ♡

Kpoptonight : What is your biggest dream?

ARTLOVER : To be happy.

Kpoptonight : How do you describe yourself as an artist?

ARTLOVER : A girl who does what she loves to do.

Kpoptonight : How would you describe your style?

ARTLOVER : Contemporary style.

Kpoptonight : What do you want to pass on to the people who follow you?

ARTLOVER : My vision of art and L.O.V.E

Kpoptonight : What is your strength? and weakness?

ARTLOVER : Maybe my emotion. Sometimes I can control it well, but sometimes not.

Kpoptonight : Where would you like to hold a concert?

ARTLOVER : Anywhere it happen in the future.

Kpoptonight : Do you have a role model? who is it?

ARTLOVER : Not anymore.

Kpoptonight : If you were not Idol, what would you have wanted to do as a job?

ARTLOVER : If I am not doing music I might not exist in this world. But I was a formal makeup artist in London fashion industry. Perhaps someone who works in Fashion industry.

Kpoptonight : Why did you choose to become an Idol? What has prompted you?

ARTLOVER : I guess it happened naturally, there was a time I have to become an artist. I wanted to express my vision fully without any boundaries.

Kpoptonight : What is the most beautiful memory since the training? and Idol?

ARTLOVER : That I met a stray cat in Sweden. Her name was Nabi, I gave it to her, it means butterfly in Korean. We became good friend.

Kpoptonight : Do you have a special talent?

ARTLOVER : Six sense? I think I have unusual senses. I think it applies when I do music and art.

Kpoptonight : Would you like to travel in Italy?

ARTLOVER : I went to Venice before. I was in love with culture, weather and people. Definitely want to visit again Italy!

Kpoptonight : What was the most difficult part of the training period?

ARTLOVER : When the time I lost trust myself, it feels like hitting the wall. But I changed my mind that I should just have fun.

Kpoptonight : Any advice for the people who wants to be an Idol?

ARTLOVER : I do not consider myself an Idol but if some people looking at me in that way maybe that is right too. I would tell them trust and love yourself.

Kpoptonight : The interview is over, thank you so much, how it was?

ARTLOVER : Pleasure is mine, It was fun! :)

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/18ly7Xrsx74igexBqVSoVe

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/artlovermusic

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mynameisartlover

Twitter https://twitter.com/artlovermusic

Press Release; 

Kpoppost https://www.instagram.com/p/CXYt7zPseMr/
